Welcome Traveler!

Before you explore into my world make sure your dreams are your guide and the reality by your side.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Another book finished

I just started this blog thingie and I don't think I'll be good at it but anyway...I started it and now have to use it. I just finished reading a Forgotten Realms series book written by R.A. Salvatore from the Legacy of the Drow series. I mean the first book titled "Legacy". It was weird but still better than the rest of the series with Drizzt as the main character (I exclude the very first one titled "Homeland" since for me it was the best of the best). There was fighting in every-and I mean every single one-chapter. There were also a a few points where you say "what the ...(I'm not gonna write the word)?". I'm not gonna say those points cause I may become a spoiler for someone. I didn't like the ending, though. It was too much of characters crying or having flashbacks like many other points in the book. Now maybe some of you may thing:"O-Kay...and what do you want to tell us with this?". Nothing in particular. I just write it so some may read the book if they like Fantasy Novels. Also because I want to show my interest in this kind of thing so I may take suggestions from others. Well...now it's...yes, 2 a.m. and goodnight e-blogger cause I have to go to work tomorrow...err...today.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

καλη μου kelyzordreamer εχω να σου κανω μια προταση! Ολα αυτα που γραφεις εχουν πολυ ενδιαφερον και θα σου προτεινα να τα γραφεις και στα ελληνικα! Δηλαδη ενα ελληνικο κι ενα αγγλικο post για το ιδιο θεμα καθε φορα. Λεω τωρα εγω.....keep dreaming...its creative for you